The NJ Chapter of The Wildlife Society awarded Morgan Mark (SEBS’22) the Russell A. Cookingham scholarship from the New Jersey Chapter of The Wildlife Society, whose mission is to foster excellence in wildlife stewardship through science, outreach and education to ensure responsible conservation of wildlife resources. The $1,000 annual scholarship is made possible by an […]
Celebration of Excellence: 2020 and 2021
On November 19, faculty, staff and students attended the 27th and 28th annual Celebration of Excellence for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station held at the Cook Student Center. After the pandemic put a pause on fully celebrating the 2020 awardees, it was important to include them […]
Assistant Teaching Professor Ines Rauschenbach Receives Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching
Ines Rauschenbach, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, received The Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, which is awarded annually to non-tenure-track, full-time faculty members in the arts and humanities, sciences, and social sciences who have demonstrated outstanding teaching skills in classroom instruction, clinical instruction, curriculum development, or mentoring. She is among […]
Rutgers Awarded $750,000 Multi-Institutional Grant to Develop Online Tools for Demonstrating Societal Impacts of Scientific Research
Rutgers University and the University of Missouri-Columbia recently received a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop online tools to help university researchers connect their research with society. The National Science Foundation (NSF), as part of its granting requirements, encourages researchers to provide opportunities for the public to engage and share their […]
Associate Extension Specialist Brooke Maslo Awarded a Presidential Fellowship for Teaching Excellence
Brooke Maslo, associate extension specialist in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, is among the outstanding Rutgers faculty to be recognized with Universitywide Faculty Awards for 2020-21 that were recently announced by President Jonathan Holloway and Prabhas Moghe, executive vice president for academic affairs. Maslo received a Presidential Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, which honors newly-promoted and tenured (as of July 1, 2021) members of the […]
National Weather Service Recognizes Rutgers Weather Station with 2021 Honored Institution Award for 125 Years of Service
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service has selected Rutgers University as a recipient of its 2021 Honored Institution Awards for 125 years of service and providing outstanding weather service to the nation. Rutgers has maintained a weather station on campus as part of the Cooperative Observer Program since Jan. 1, 1896, […]
Rutgers Executive Dean Receives National Honor for Advancing Agricultural Education
Laura Lawson, interim executive dean at Rutgers’ School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, recently received an Honorary American FFA Degree from the National FFA (Future Farmers of America.) Lawson, along with her fellow honorary degree recipients, were recognized as “individuals who have provided exceptional service on a national level to agriculture, agricultural education, or FFA.” […]
Rutgers Among Four Institutions Awarded National Grant to Combat White-nose Syndrome in Bats
Principal investigator Brooke Maslo, associate professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, was awarded $268,081 to field-test a promising method of treating environmental reservoirs of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the pathogen that causes white-nose syndrome in bats. The Rutgers grant is part of a total of $770,000 in grants awarded by the National Fish and […]
Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor Mark Robson Delivered the Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award Lecture
Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor Mark Robson (CC’77; GSNB’79, ’88; SPH’95), the 2021 recipient of the university’s Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award, delivered the accompanying lecture, “Rutgers – A Public University in the Land Grant Tradition that Provides Opportunities: How We Can Teach Our Students to Address Critical Global Issues,” on October 19. Robson’s presentation […]
Mark Robson to Deliver Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award Lecture on October 19
Mark Robson, an internationally recognized scholar in environmental risk assessment and toxicology and a dedicated student mentor who first came to Rutgers as an undergraduate nearly 50 years ago, has been named the 2021 recipient of the Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award. The Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor and Distinguished Professor of Plant Biology at […]