Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, extension specialist in entomology, Department of Entomology, is the principal investigator of a two-year, $199,783 grant from the USDA Crop Protection and Pest Management program for the project, “Improving Management of a Key Insect Pest of Blueberries Through Optimization of Pollination Services,” from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2026. This grant is […]
Scientists Investigate Ways to Transform Seaweed into Energy and Food
A trio of scientists from Rutgers University-New Brunswick is studying the potential of turning a species of seaweed into a source of energy and food. The researchers from the Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute ̵ working with other institutions ̵ are looking to transform naturally abundant, renewable materials into products such as biofuels, animal feed […]
Post-Doc Wants to Help People Understand Hurricanes and Improve Prediction of Dangerous Storms
Joe Gradone has been recognized for his ability to make science accessible and relevant to diverse audiences New Jersey native Joe Gradone grew up less than 40 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, but his fascination with oceanography first surged while studying geology as an undergraduate at the University of Colorado. “It took me going to a […]
Horse-Caring Helps Veterans With PTSD
A study by Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers has shown that military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), who participated in a program caring for horses, experienced an improved mental outlook and easing of symptoms. Reporting results of the study in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, researchers said the insights could open the door to a new approach in […]
Cows and Solar Panels? In a New Jersey First, Project Melds Farming with Electricity Generation
Rutgers-New Brunswick inaugurates state-of-the-art agrivoltaics research and demonstration project for simultaneous production of food and solar energy Federal, state and university officials are inaugurating a research and demonstration project at Rutgers University-New Brunswick with the purpose of advancing a technology that could produce renewable energy while making farms more sustainable. The New Brunswick project, part […]
Rutgers Researchers Help Redefine Core Microbiome, Opening New Chapter in Precision Health
A collaborative study introduces a new model for the set of gut microbes found in humans Researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, along with international collaborators, have introduced a novel method for identifying the crucial set of gut microbes commonly found in humans and essential for health. The researchers, whose study was published in Cell, said […]
Rutgers Awarded $1.1 Million NSF Grant to Support Researchers in Advancing the Societal Impacts of Research
Rutgers Associate Professor and 4-H Youth Development STEM Agent Janice McDonnell is a collaborating partner of the Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) who was awarded $1.1 million of a $9.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to build capacity in supporting research impact. While researchers around the world are working to […]
Plant Biology Professor Andrea Gallavotti Awarded $1 Million NSF Grant for Maize Research
Andrea Gallavotti, professor in the Department of Plant Biology, has been awarded a grant worth $1,088,678 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project, “Collaborative Research: PlantTransform: Morphogenic-based mechanisms of maize regeneration.” Gallavotti, who is attached to the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, is the principal investigator of the three-year project, for the period Jan […]
SEBS Team Receives Funding for Solving Oceanic Challenges: Harnessing Seaweed for Feedstock of the Future
A multi-institution Sargassum Biorefinery (SaBRe) team, which include researchers from the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS), is working to develop a Sargassum seaweed biorefinery process that ultimately turns a nuisance seaweed into animal feed and other valuable bioproducts. The funded project titled, “Sargassum seaweed as a future renewable feedstock for sustainable biomanufacturing,” is […]
Pollinator Peril? Rutgers Researchers Tracking Decline in Crop Yields
A team of researchers led by Rutgers University-New Brunswick scientists has analyzed crop yields of more than 1,500 fields on six continents, and found that production worldwide of important, nutritionally dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes is being limited by a lack of pollinators. The results, detailed in Nature Ecology & Evolution, showed that across […]