Announcement from Nicholas Polanin, chair, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) I am pleased to announce the following addition to our Faculty within the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, beginning her role within Rutgers Cooperative Extension, effective March 1. Dr. Janine M. Spies joins us as the Statewide Program Leader, Assistant Professor, County […]
Commercial Agriculture
Announcement: Kate Brown Begins New Role with RCE of Somerset County
Announcement from Nicholas Polanin, chair, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) I am pleased to announce that Kate L. Brown joins Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Somerset County, as an Assistant Professor, County Agent III, effective March 1. For the past three years, Kate has served as the Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Associate in Burlington […]
Rutgers University Scientists in Micronesia to Advance Food Security Initiatives
Rutgers University scientists James Simon, Distinguished Professor, Department of Plant Biology, and Ramu Govindasamy, professor and chair, Department of Agricultural and Food Resource Economics, and Dena Seidel, science communication researcher, paid a courtesy call on Governor Stevenson A. Joseph, Pohnpei State, Micronesia. The Rutgers delegation was joined on the visit by Micronesian officials Hubert Yamada, […]
Rutgers Scientist Timothy Waller Offers Tips on How to Choose the Perfect Christmas Tree
If you are heading to a farm or the local lot after the Thanksgiving weekend to pick out your perfect Christmas tree, Timothy Waller, an evergreen researcher, has some advice for you. Waller, an agricultural agent with Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cumberland County, has been working on Christmas tree disease management and variety demonstrations as part […]
Rutgers Innovators Named Edison Patent Award Recipients in Agriculture, Forensic Science Categories
Basil varieties that are resistant to the deadly downy mildew disease. A computational tool that calculates the probability of the number of contributors in a DNA profile. These two innovations share two things in common: both were developed at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and both received Edison Patent Awards at the Research […]
Christmas Tree Do’s and Don’ts: How to Choose the Best Tree this Season
December is here, and that means Christmas is right around the corner! Holiday tunes are playing in nearly every store, houses covered in colorful lights line neighborhood streets, and there’s a sense of joy in the air. You may have even brought the festivity inside your home with a real Christmas tree, welcoming in the […]
Top Provider of Cranberry Varietals in North America, Rutgers’ Breeding Program Welcomes New Director Gina Sideli
Quick quiz: Rutgers is the No. 1 North American provider of which red fruit? No, we are not talking about the Rutgers tomato, although this Thanksgiving staple also pairs well with salads and makes a great sauce. Seven varieties of cranberries developed at Rutgers – grown in bogs from New Jersey to Wisconsin and Massachusetts […]
Rutgers Plant Geneticist Jim Simon Wins Distinguished Service to NJ Agriculture Award
Jim Simon, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Plant Biology, was presented with the Distinguished Service to New Jersey Agriculture Award for 2023 for outstanding research contributions to New Jersey’s farming industry by the New Jersey Farm Bureau (NJFB) at its 105th Annual Meeting held November 13-14. This prestigious award is presented each year by […]
NJAES Contributes to Sustainability by Harvesting Cranberries
Cranberries are a staple on any Thanksgiving table, and in light of the ongoing climate crisis, NJAES is developing new harvesting techniques to ensure they stay there. The Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension in Chatsworth, New Jersey, a substation of the NJAES, is working to ensure the harvesting of […]
NJAES Beginner Farmer Program Bears Fruit
Three years ago, administrative and faculty leaders at the Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station created a “beginner farmer” training program for people new to farming to address two related challenges: the aging of New Jersey farmers and the inexperience of many drawn to the profession. Supported by a grant from […]