Emily Fontaine – Department of Entomology
Rutgers Beginner Farmer Training Program Tours Bullock Farms
Bill Hlubik – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Robot mowers could be better for your lawn — and the environment
James Murphy – Center for Turf Grass Science
2023 Rutgers Turfgrass Research Field Days
By all measures, the Rutgers Turfgrass Research Field Days held on July 25 and 26, 2023, were a resounding success. Faculty, staff and students in the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science were able to present their current research findings during three events over the two days, which attracted more than 537 people from Finland, Canada […]
Plant of the Month: Jack-in-the-Pulpit, a Flower Insects Would Die For!
by Bruce Crawford, Manager of Horticulture, Morris County Park Commission Most herbaceous plants are noted for their showy and colorful floral displays. In some cases, they may have the added benefit of attractive foliage that will help carry interest within the garden well beyond the flower display. However, it is far more rare for a […]
4-H Teams with Rutgers Scientists and Engineers to Train 54 Teenagers to Serve as STEM Ambassadors
Since 2009, the Rutgers 4-H Youth Development department has trained and supported teenagers from several of New Jersey’s biggest cities to lead STEM programming for youth through camps, libraries, and afterschool programs. This July, the program’s 15th cohort of STEM Ambassadors spent a week at Rutgers-New Brunswick to expand their own understanding of STEM topics […]
Jack-in-the-Pulpit – A Flower Insects Would Die For!
Bruce Crawford – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Nuclear war would be more devastating for Earth’s climate than cold war predictions – even with fewer weapons
Alan Robock – Department of Environmental Sciences
Why do spotted lanternflies look so different? Experts say the answer is simple.
Department of Entomology
What is a 5-sigma event? Why the sea ice in Antartica is alarming scientists
Oscar Schofield – Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences