The Ecological Society of America (ESA), the world’s largest community of professional ecologists, recently selected a research paper whose lead author is Myla Aronson, assistant professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, as the winner of its Sustainability Science Award. The award recognizes the authors of the scholarly work that “makes the […]
Search Results for: "Myla Aronson"
Assistant Prof. Myla Aronson’s Urban Plant Research Featured in American Journal of Botany
Aronson’s research lands on the cover of the August 2017 issue! Urban vegetation provides important ecological services, but only certain plants can survive these harsh environments. Understanding how urban environments select for or against particular plant species would help in managing urban biodiversity, planning and executing sound ecological restoration, and predicting how climate change will […]
Myla Aronson and Team Publish Paper on Planning for the Future of Urban Biodiversity
Most cities plan to protect biodiversity yet lack mechanism to measure success. Myla Aronson, assistant professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, Lauren Frazee, doctoral candidate in the Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution, Karen O’Neill, associate professor in the Department of Human Ecology, Rutgers alum Dr. Emilie Stander and an international […]
Mettler’s Woods Brought Under Additional Protection of National Organization
Rutgers-managed forest is a “sanctuary of biodiversity” Mettler’s Woods, one of the state’s last remaining virgin forests that sits in a 65-acre patch of land owned and managed by Rutgers University-New Brunswick, has been chosen for preservation by a national organization. The Old-Growth Forest Network inducted Mettler’s Woods in Franklin in Somerset County, N.J., on Monday, […]
Graduate Student Megan King Receives Multiple Grants
Megan King, who is pursuing a master’s degree in the School of Graduate Studies in the Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program, has received the 2022 Vicki A. Funk Graduate Research Grant from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Torrey Botanical Club’s research grant. The Vicki A. Funk Graduate Research Grant is part of an international competition and […]
Open Orchard art project aims to restore NYC’s long-lost fruit trees
Myla Aronson – Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Hutcheson Memorial Forest Volunteers Plant Native Trees in Forest Canopy Restoration Effort
Volunteer Days during the month of April at Hutcheson Memorial Forest Center (HMFC), located off Amwell Road in Somerset County, had a successful start with 20 volunteers from Rutgers, nearby community colleges and local residents. Volunteers planted more than 130 native trees in nine canopy gaps located throughout the enclosed old-growth forest known as Mettler’s […]
Hutcheson Memorial Forest Volunteers plant native trees
Myla Aronson – Department of Ecology, Evolution adn Natural Resources
Myla Aronson – Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Senior Story: Eva Popp (SEBS’21) Wins Young Botanist Award
Eva Popp spent much of her undergraduate career exploring the field of botany and plant ecology, so it is fitting that the Botanical Society of America chose her to receive the Young Botanist Award. The purpose of the award is to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage […]