It wasn’t just the rabbits that were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at Saturday morning’s Small Animal Educational Symposium — so too were the young 4-H members eager to learn more about caring for their little friends… Attendees from nine New Jersey counties who came to the Gloucester County complex, in Clayton, received first-hand lessons on fundamentals like poultry showmanship as well as preparing rabbits and cavy (think guinea pigs and the like) for judging… Now in its second year, the event put little critters in the spotlight and sometimes on the table while the finer points of their health and handling were taught. Other event attractions included a rabbit-hopping competition and a “Health Check 101” seminar.
Youth/Community Development
A Healthy Start to Life Starts in Preschool
Harriet Worobey, director of the Nutritional Sciences Preschool, an outreach program of the department of Nutritional Sciences, is interviewed by on involving preschoolers in healthy eating and the preparation of healthy foods… I a…
4-H Community Members Spend MLK Day Baking and Making for Others
To honor the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Middlesex County 4-H Junior Youth Council came together to help others as part of their annual service project on Monday. Approximately 20 students in sixth through eighth grades, plus fiv…
Rutgers landscape architecture students work on christiansted national historic site
The National Park Service (NPS) has again received the Praxis Studio Landscape Architecture students from Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. This collaboration is the third time Rutgers students have come to work on NPS projects on St. Croix. …
Rutgers and City of Newark Collaborate to Help At-Risk Youngsters
By channeling youngsters’ and parents’ energies toward positive outcomes, youth can learn to avoid mimicking criminal and violent behavior observed in their neighborhoods. Kenneth Karamichael, director of Rutgers Transitional Education and Employment Management (T.E.E.M.) Gateway, which operates from the Office of Continuing Professional Education, is co-directing The Brick City Synergy project. Read more at Rutgers Today.
Cumberland County 4-H is “Gathering STEAM”
Cumberland County is home to one of the largest 4-H programs in the state with an impressive history of outreach to area schools, an active animal science program and life skills and leadership programs offered at every age level… For many young people, 4-H is their first connection to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey… “Gathering STEAM” is a suite of new 4-H faculty programs being offered to schools and community centers in 2015. Fee based workshops and summer enrichment programs will also be conducted at the 4-H Center, 291 Morton Avenue in Millville. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and math.
Rutgers scientists aren’t NJ’s only experts on cranberries: Meet the young “Cranbassadors”
What happens when you have an engaged scientist and an agriculturally-minded teacher and you put them together in a parent-teacher conference? The Cranbassadors program is the brainchild of NJAES Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology Peter Oudemans and Mullica Township teacher Barbara Rheault who wanted to connect students to the local agriculture of the Pinelands. Student […]
Seeing Eye club members talk toils and joys of raising puppies
Abbey Hartman cried for two days after being separated from her puppy Nestle. These tears, however, turned into tears of joy soon when she reminded herself that Nestle would help a visually impaired person take control of his or her life. “I can imagine how hard it will be with Nestle,” Hartman said. “But there is nothing but pride in my heart.” Hartman, a Rutgers Business School junior, is the treasurer of the Rutgers University Seeing Eye Puppy Raising Club. The organization trains puppies to be Seeing Eye dogs for the visually and physically impaired.
Rutgers Wraps Up Annual STEM Enrichment Program for Underserved Youth
The sixth annual Rutgers Summer Science Program, sponsored by Samsung, held its closing luncheon on July 11 at the Neilson Dining Hall on the George H. Cook Campus in New Brunswick, wrapping up a weeklong campus enrichment experience for over 60 high school students, grades 9 to 12, from across New Jersey. This year’s cohort was […]
Belleville High School students participate in summer science program
Samsung awarded 16 Belleville High School students, along with 40 youth from New Jersey, a full scholarship to participate in the 4-H Samsung Summer Science Program at Rutgers University-New Brunswick campus in early July…These students were to learn…