A unique, cross-school collaborative pilot project, funded by Rutgers Center for Agricultural Food Ecosystems (RUCAFE) in the New Jersey Institute for Food Nutrition and Health, provides high school youth from diaspora communities the opportunity to co-create original science-based video stories with Rutgers researchers. The project, titled FAME (Food, Agriculture and Marine Ecosystems) is based on […]
Maslo Lab Combines Expertise to Research Snake Fungal Disease
Morgan Mark (SEBS’22), Tyler Christensen (Ph.D. Candidate) and Bobby Kwait (Ph.D. Candidate)—all members of assistant professor Brooke Maslo’s lab—were recently awarded funding from the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV) for their project examining the seasonal dynamics of snake fungal disease in free-ranging eastern copperheads. Snake fungal disease (SFD) is a recently discovered fungal pathogen, Ophidiomyces […]
Maslo Lab combines expertise to research snake fungal disease
Morgan Mar, Tyler Christensen, Bobby Kwait – Maslo Lab, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
The Annual Personal Bioblitz Connects People with Nature – Will it Break Records Again this Year?
What is that spider on that rock? That yellow spring flower is strange; what is it? Is that a weed in my backyard? Should I remove it? What kinds of birds will I see this spring? Wow, that’s a weird-looking red, black and white bug; what is it? Is there more than one kind of […]
Drawing Life as We Know It: RU Urban Sketching Project
A sketch is a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to inform the creation of a subsequent, more finished product. The Urban Sketching movement was created in 2007 by Seattle journalist and illustrator Gabriel Campanario. Like the plein air (outdoor) painting method popularized by French Impressionists of the 19th century, urban sketching encourages artists to work in situ, taking their art out of the studio and into the world. Urban Sketching […]
Tropical Spinach (Amaranth) Production for Leaf and Grain in New Jersey
Albert Ayeni, Jennifer Paul, Maryann Zielinski, Lizett Jimenez, Department of Plant Biology
New Jersey 4-Hers Win the North American Dairy Educational Experience Dairy Bowl
With COVID-19 preventing an in-person contest, organizers developed the North American Dairy Educational Experience (NADEE), where youth evaluate a scenario on a dairy operation and provide responses to prompts about the operation. One team per state could enter. The winning team was from New Jersey and is part of the borrow-a-dairy heifer program facilitated by […]
Your Hot Duck Guide
José Ramírez-Garofalo – Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
SEBS Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon Held in Person!
A group of 59 faculty and staff retirees and their guests met on Thursday, December 9 at the Rectangle Room at Neilson Dining Hall for a celebratory lunch. Reuniting with friends and former colleagues over a delicious meal, surrounded by beautiful varieties of Rutgers greenhouse-grown poinsettia, the group was joined by deans, directors, and some […]
Maya Ziab (SEBS’22) Part of Rutgers Team That Wins the EPA Clean Indoor Air Challenge
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and 10 federal, state, tribal and local organizations recently announced the Phase 1 winners of the ‘Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires Challenge,’ which is designed to stimulate the advancement of new technologies to clean indoor air during wildfire smoke events and other high pollution days. Among the five Phase 1 […]