Forget cash. Forget banks that take a bite out of your dollars every time you head to an ATM machine. What about helping each other, getting something in return? No money needed. So it is with time banks and hour exchanges…Julie Fagan, a Rutgers University professor, recently launched time banks in several states, including Pennsylvania, she said. One is Monroe County PA Strong, a time bank anyone from the area can join. Members will help other members by using their skills, bank their hours and get services in return based on how many hours they invest. “It’s a sharing of talents and skills. We don’t place monetary value on services. Every man is created equal,” she said. “Someone can pull weeds or give an elderly person a ride to a doctor’s appointment. The hard part is figuring out what you want to receive in return. It requires reciprocity to work. You have to be able to accept a gift in return.”
Youth/Community Development
Children with special needs meet University ‘buddies’
Nancy Haws has been bringing her 22-year-old son, Taylor, to “Special Friends Day” for 12 years. He doesn’t have many close friends, but this event gives him a way to make new ones and establish connections. “Special Friends Day,” a day joining Rutgers students and special needs children for a breadth of activities, had an uncertain future when the University’s Recreation Activities Crew disbanded last year…”Special Friends Day” took place in the Cook Douglass Recreation Center yesterday. An arc of balloons bearing Rutgers colors greeted special needs children and their parents.
NJ Students to Talk Climate Change at Rutgers 4-H Teen Summit on March 27
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2014 EDITOR’S NOTE: You are invited to send a reporter, photographer or camera crew to cover this event, or arrange pre- or post-summit interviews with Janice McDonnell, 4-H Science, Engineering and technology agent, by cell phone at 732-586-1130, office telephone at 848-932-3285 or by email at Four Montana teens […]
Rutgerscience Saturdays Program Highlights Spy Technology
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 26, 2014 EDITOR’S NOTE: You are invited to send a reporter, photographer or camera crew to cover this event, or arrange pre- or post-event interviews with Janice McDonnell, Rutgers 4-H science, engineering and technology agent, by cell phone at 732-586-1130, office telephone at 848-932-3285 or by email at Or contact […]
Rutgers Gardens Offers Children Opportunities to Grow this Summer
Rutgers Gardens offers spring and summer ventures for children to explore and discover the garden environment. Family Garden Club involves monthly Saturday morning workshops that are a great opportunity for children to learn the skills to grow their own vegetables and to develop a connection with nature and an appreciation of healthy foods. Workshop dates […]
Hunterdon 4-H selling hoagies for the Super Bowl on Feb. 2
The Hunterdon Deadeyes 4-H club is holding a hoagie sale. Hoagies will be ready in time for the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 2. Hoagies must be ordered by Monday, Jan. 27 and then picked up between noon and 1 p.m. at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension at …
RCE Presents Diversity and County Faculty of the Year Awards for 2013
Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) held its annual awards program at the 2013 Annual Joint Department Meeting on December 10 to recognize outstanding performances of students, faculty and staff. Among the awards given was the “RCE Diversity Award,” presented to Kenneth Karamichael, associate director of youth development at Office of Continuing Professional Education, and the RCE […]
You Don’t Need a Horse to Participate in a 4-H Horse Club!
While the 4-H program was born over 110 years ago in the United States with a focus on corn, cooking and cows, this non-formal educational program for youth has evolved in many ways to meet the needs of more suburban states like New Jersey. For example, you can be a member of a 4-H horse […]
‘We’ll find joy in each other’: College student raises siblings after losing parents to Sandy
Rich and Beth Everett brought their kids up to be independent. They never could have anticipated how important that would become. "They kind of gave us a lot of room to be independent and learn things on our own," 19-year-old Zoe Everett, a stu…
Mayor Booker Presents Proclamation to Rutgers TEEM Gateway
On October 1, Newark Mayor Cory Booker presented a Proclamation to honor Rutgers T.E.E.M. Gateway as “one of the city’s great organizations” for its work building productive futures for the at-risk youth of Newark and beyond. Proudly receiving the acknowledgment was Kenneth M. Karamichael, director of T.E.E.M. Gateway, a division of the Office of Continuing […]