Forget cash. Forget banks that take a bite out of your dollars every time you head to an ATM machine. What about helping each other, getting something in return? No money needed. So it is with time banks and hour exchanges…Julie Fagan, a Rutgers University professor, recently launched time banks in several states, including Pennsylvania, she said. One is Monroe County PA Strong, a time bank anyone from the area can join. Members will help other members by using their skills, bank their hours and get services in return based on how many hours they invest. “It’s a sharing of talents and skills. We don’t place monetary value on services. Every man is created equal,” she said. “Someone can pull weeds or give an elderly person a ride to a doctor’s appointment. The hard part is figuring out what you want to receive in return. It requires reciprocity to work. You have to be able to accept a gift in return.”
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