BYLINE: Aleen Mirza, intern in the Office of Climate Action and SEBS’26 (Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior major), profiles Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute affiliate Danielle Falzon, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology. Who decides the future of a warming planet? More importantly, who is excluded from those critical discussions? As climate change is […]
Chelsea Kulp (SEBS’11) Appointed to the Board of American Water Works Association New Jersey Section
Chelsea Kulp (SEBS’11), New Jersey American Water’s senior manager of Government and External Affairs, has been appointed to a three-year term on the Board of Trustees of the American Water Works Association New Jersey Section (AWWA NJ). Together with the board and section staff, Kulp will work with the Association’s committees to provide leadership and guidance […]
SEBS Graduate Among Those Inducted into the Matthew Leydt Society
Sohaib Hassan has dreamed of becoming a scientist since doctors diagnosed him with muscular dystrophy at age 10. But he feared his physical limitations would prevent him from keeping up with his peers in the lab, making it impossible to run experiments and move the needle forward on finding a cure for the disease. This […]
Senior Story: Kyra Bostic (SEBS’23) Gets Front Seat in Crafting Historic U.N. Ocean Treaty
For two weeks this spring, Kyra Bostic served as a delegate participating in talks to develop a landmark international agreement to protect the oceans, which play a crucial role in absorbing carbon emissions – a key driver of climate change. The conference in New York ended after a hectic 38-hour final United Nations session when […]
Senior Story: Diane Zaragoza (SEBS’23) is a Passionate Environmentalist
Diane Zaragoza will graduate next month, having majored in Environmental Policy, Institutions and Behavior (EPIB) in the Department of Human Ecology. She sat down with SEBS/NJAES Newsroom to talk about her passion for the environment, her SEBS journey, and how she plans to do her own part to protect Planet Earth. Why did you choose […]
Kendall Soto (SEBS’24), Creating a More Just Society
Kendall Soto (SEBS’24), EPIB major, is currently spending a semester abroad in Greece. Kendall recently joined 11 other study-abroad students as a Global Justice Fellow at a conference in London with President Holloway, international Rutgers Alumni, university administrators from RU-Global and ISGRJ-Newark, as well as local activists, to explore and converse about the possible ways […]
Of Farms and Gardens: My Rutgers Gardens Internship
By Francis C. Blackman (SEBS’24) As an undergraduate student in the Environmental Policy Institutions and Behavior (EPIB) major program here at Rutgers, I had the opportunity to participate in the Rutgers Gardens Student Farm Internship this summer. When applying, it seemed like the Student Farm could offer a fulfilling setting to expand my knowledge of […]
The Annual Personal Bioblitz Connects People with Nature – Will it Break Records Again this Year?
What is that spider on that rock? That yellow spring flower is strange; what is it? Is that a weed in my backyard? Should I remove it? What kinds of birds will I see this spring? Wow, that’s a weird-looking red, black and white bug; what is it? Is there more than one kind of […]
Maya Ziab (SEBS’22) Part of Rutgers Team That Wins the EPA Clean Indoor Air Challenge
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and 10 federal, state, tribal and local organizations recently announced the Phase 1 winners of the ‘Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires Challenge,’ which is designed to stimulate the advancement of new technologies to clean indoor air during wildfire smoke events and other high pollution days. Among the five Phase 1 […]