Rutgers Cooperative Extension specialist Andrew Wyenandt was one of two individuals who were honored with Distinguished Service to Agriculture Citations by the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture during the New Jersey State Agricultural Convention in Atlantic City on February 8. Mercer County farmer Scott Ellis also received a citation. “New Jersey is fortunate to […]
Cumberland County
Jack Rabin (CC’78) Receives Distinguished Service Award, Capping an Almost 34-Year Career at Rutgers
Jack Rabin, associate director for farm programs, NJAES, has been awarded the New Jersey Farm Bureau Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award for 2016, presented at the Farm Bureau Annual Meeting on November 14 at the Westin Princeton Hotel in Princeton, NJ. The award is presented annually by Farm Bureau, the state’s largest membership organization representing […]
Cumberland County Ag Agent Jim Johnson Retires
Rutgers NJAES Cooperative Extension of Cumberland County environmental and resource management agent agricultural agent James R. (Jim) Johnson retired on September 1, 2016. During Johnson’s 34 year career at Rutgers, he conducted an extension education program for commercial producers of nursery crops in South Jersey. His programmatic efforts focused on maximizing productivity while enhancing environmental […]
Rutgers Food Innovation Center Helping to Launch Two New Jersey Food Industry Centers
[Rutgers Food Innovation Center (FIC) recently completed a feasibility study for a business incubation program for the City of Paterson and another study for the City of Bridgeton designed for its FIC “graduate” clients. Business Facilities magazine covered these two projects in its July/August issue.] The City of Paterson is gearing up towards the launching […]
Starting a food business? Rutgers incubator can help
Patrick Leger stood in a processing room at Rutgers Food Innovation Center on Friday, watching as an assembly line of bottles were filled with pure strained tomatoes, First Field’s latest product… “They need a place to go,” said Lou Cooperhouse, the center’s director. “Our job is to find a pathway for them to go after they leave our facility.”
Cumberland County Extension Service Employees Recognized
Cumberland County employees Cheryl McCormick and Tammy Commander were recognized Dec. 7 with awards for excellence by Rutgers Cooperative Extension. The awards are presented annually to one individual within the state. McCormick, 4-H Program Assistant,…
Cumberland County Hosts South American Food Industry Executives
Cumberland County was host to food industry executives from Brazil last week and again hosted more from other parts of South America, who came to learn more about the area’s food commerce. Rutgers Food Innovation Center (RFIC) in Bridgeton coordinated the event in partnership with the Cumberland County Improvement Authority… “All together we entertained more than a dozen South American company representatives and I can honestly say each one was very impressed with our area, it’s location and abundant resources – both from an agriculture and a transportation standpoint,” CCIA Construction and Economic Development Director Jim Watson explained about the groups. “I expect to hear from at least of few of them after they have had a chance to process and distribute the information we were able to convey to them in such a short time span.”
Cumberland County 4-H Directs High Impact School Outreach Model
Cumberland County 4-H Program Assistant Donna Griebau visited Saint Mary’s School to begin a series of classes that explored electricity… The series is part of an effort to refocus on school-based 4-H programs using a new model which is intended to bring the benefits of 4-H club experience into the classroom… The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station and Rutgers Cooperative Extension and is the oldest positive youth development program in the country. 4-H is a leader in experiential learning programs and helps youth learn how to run a meeting using parliamentary procedure, develop public speaking skills, engage in community service work, set goals, complete project work, and benefit from recognition opportunities for their efforts… “Cumberland 4-H will continue to work with area schools providing one-time, hands-on enrichment programs,” said Julie Karavan, County 4-H Agent.
Cumberland County Rutgers Master Gardener for 2015 Announced
Rutgers Master Gardeners of Cumberland County have honored Sam Pace of Millville with the Rutgers Master Gardener of the Year Award for 2015 in Cumberland County. Pace will be recognized for the outstanding work he has done in Cumberland County on Oct….
Cumberland County 4-H Presents at National Marine Educators Conference
County 4-H Agent Julie Karavan was awarded the Expanding Audiences Scholarship, which allowed her to attend the National Marine Educators Association Conference in Newport, Rhode Island, held June 29-July 2. Karavan presented two professional development workshops related to her extension teaching and practice in Cumberland County. Her presentation, Aquatic Robotics, was offered educators information and […]