Ramu Govindasamy – Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource
Commercial Agriculture
Middlesex County develops interactive map for discovering products ‘Grown in Middlesex County’
William T. Hlubik – Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County
Rutgers professor names ‘Vasanna’ cranberry for parents
Nicholi Vorsa – Marucci Center for Blueberry & Cranberry Research & Extension
NJ experts say spotted lanternfly has expanded its reach in 2020
George Hamilton; Anne Nielsen – Department of Entomology
Freeholder Board Hears Update on Spotted Lanternfly Presence
Megan Muehlbauer – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Scared from 6 feet away: N.J.’s haunted attractions are tweaking their tactics this year
Brian Schilling – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Invasive Spotted Lanternfly Found in Ocean County
Susan Emhardt-Servidio – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
The Man Who Helped Put Jersey Wineries on the Map
Gary Pavlis – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Ocean warming has seafloor species headed in the wrong direction
Heidi Fuchs – Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
James Simon – A Breakthrough in the War Against Basil Downy Mildew
Sweet basil is among the most popular and economically important culinary herbs, but by 2010, US production began to feel the impact of a newly emerging destructive disease: basil downy mildew. At that time, no sweet basil varieties were resistant to basil downy mildew and growers began relying heavily on fungicide application to avoid devastating […]