Announcement by Don Kobayashi, chair of the Department of Plant Biology
On behalf of Department of Plant Biology and the Center for Turfgrass Science, please join me in welcoming Ming-Yi Chou, who has recently joined the faculty as an Assistant Extension Specialist with expertise in turfgrass pathology.
Dr. Chou’s extension program will focus on evaluating and developing efficient cool-season turfgrass disease management measures, including cultural practices, disease prediction models, synthetic fungicides, and biorational agents. His research will focus on plant-soil-microbe interactions in turfgrass, with an emphasis on how these interactions and coevolution collectively contribute to disease suppression.
Ming-Yi completed his Ph.D. in Horticultural Biology at Cornell University, and received his post-doctoral training successively in University of Wisconsin-Madison and Great Lakes Bioenergy Center in Michigan State University studying plant-soil-microbe interaction with emphases on pathogen suppression microbes in turfgrass and beneficial microbes for bioenergy crops. Prior to joining Rutgers, he was a Research Scientist in turfgrass pathology program at University of Wisconsin-Madison, examining dollar spot suppressive microbiome and building snow molds predictive models.