by Bruce Crawford, Manager of Horticulture, Morris County Park Commission Every year gardeners search for new plants with early spring color that have somehow evaded the vigilant eyes of their gardening friends. Truth be told, gardeners love a touch of friendly competition! Ideally, these new finds should provide more than just floral interest; they should […]
Rutgers Master Gardeners Never Lose Sight of Their Mission
By Nicholas Polanin, chair, Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Jan Zientek, senior program coordinator and former statewide Rutgers Master Gardener coordinator. The dozen or so seed catalogs that I’ve received in the mail and the seeds and seed starting kits appearing in my local hardware store are a reminder that gardening season is upon us. […]
Award-winning film highlights Rutgers efforts to protect basil from blight
James Simon – Dept. of Plant Biology; Andy Wyenandt – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Fact check: False claim geoengineering is behind climate change
Alan Robock – Department of Environmental Sciences
Early tips for your spring vegetable garden | Gardener State
William Errickson – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Rutgers, NJDA report on Strategies for Urban Agriculture in N.J.
Richard Alomar – Rutgers Office of Urban Extension and Engagement
Award-winning Film Highlights Rutgers Efforts to Protect Basil
James Simon – Dept. of Plant Biology; Andy Wyenandt – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Tornadoes and waterspouts in February? Here’s how rare NJ’s wild winter weather is
David Robinson – New Jersey State Meteorologist
Why are there so many germs in the kitchen?
Donald Schaffner – Department of Food Science
Solutions readied to confront watershed’s new challenges
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Progra