Lisa Chiariello – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Sussex County
Support agriculture while crossing off your holiday list
Master Gardener Program – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
New Jersey Teens Attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia
Eighteen 4-H teens represented nine New Jersey counties at the conference held November 24-28 in Atlanta, Georgia. The National 4-H Congress is the premiere educational and recognition event for the 4-H youth development program. For more than 95 years, youth from the United States and its territories have participated in this youth leadership development conference. […]
Regional Livestock Agent Bob Mickel (GSNB ’89) Retires After 31 Years at Rutgers NJAES
Robert C. (Bob) Mickel, agricultural and regional livestock agent for Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) of Hunterdon County retired on November 1. Mickel began his career with Rutgers in 1987, serving as acting 4-H agent for RCE of Mercer County. After he received his master’s degree from Rutgers Graduate School-New Brunswick in 1989, he was hired […]
Now is the time to plant bulbs for spring blooms
Lisa Chiariello – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Film by Miss Lafayette captures farming history
Caitlyn Kunz – Rutgers Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Program
Get Up & GO to the New Jersey State Fair in Sussex County!
4-H, Sussex County – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
When it comes to agriculture, rely on ‘rules of thumb’
Steve Komar, County Agent II, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Sussex County
Middle Schoolers Develop Leadership and Community Service Skills at the 4-H Youth Leadership Institute at Rutgers University
4-H members representing eight counties took part in the New Jersey 4-H goLEAD Youth Leadership Institute held in June at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. goLEAD (generation-on Leadership, Education, and Development) is an innovative approach to equip middle and high school aged youth with invaluable 21st century skills that will allow them to change themselves […]
Managing the pesky insect known as the roseslug sawfly
Activity from the roseslug sawfly is being seen in our county. The symptoms are white or tan areas on rose leaves, also called windowpaning, as a result of insect larvae eating away the surface area of the leaf between the veins. The rose will grow new…