Listening to nutrition podcasts while navigating grocery store aisles increases the likelihood of consumers making healthier choices, suggests a small but intriguing pilot study…From January to May 2011, researchers at Rutgers University in New Bruns…
Helping to Preserve New Jersey’s Raritan River
James Loring and Gretchen Wittenborn Johnson have a dream to clean up New Jersey’s Raritan River. To that end, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are endowing a new chair position in water resources and watershed ecology at Rutgers University in the department of Ec…
People Who Taste Too Much
There is a good reason why kale evokes such strong feelings in different people. What is harshly bitter to some 25% of the world – often classified as "supertasters" – is barely bitter to about another third. The rest of us fall somewhere in be…
Map Plots Rising Seas Street by Jersey Street
While superstorm Sandy revealed the Northeast’s vulnerability, a new map by New Jersey scientists suggests how rising seas could make future storms even worse…"We are not trying to unduly frighten people," said Rick Lathrop, director of the G…
Planting Seeds for a Better Oyster Harvest
New Jersey was once home to a booming oyster industry, as evidenced by the Victorian mansions along Cape May erected by fishing barons and coastal communities such as Bivalve and Shell Pile that took their names from the plentiful natural resource lini…