Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello – Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology; IFNH
The mystery of The Scream’s fiery sky solved: ‘Mother-of-pearl’ clouds inspired Edvard Munch’s painting
Alan Robock – Department of Environmental Sciences
Marshlands in the UK will begin to disappear in 20 YEARS leaving coastal cities at risk of devastating floods, warn scientists
Robert Kopp – Institute of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Mesmerising maps reveal record-breaking temperatures across the world as the Earth experiences ‘one of the most intense heat events ever seen’
Jennifer Francis – Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Mysterious ‘hot air balloon’ of molten rock is discovered rising under the surface of New Hampshire – and experts believe it could lead to a volcanic eruption<br />
Vadim Levin – Institute of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
US scientists engineer corn to boost protein
Thomas Leustek – Department of Plant Biology
Volcanic eruptions in the tropics can trigger El Niño events as massive clouds of sulfuric acid reflect sunlight, study warns
Alan Robock – Department of Environmental Sciences
Cave that holds a ‘spectacular’ record of 5,000 years of the tsunamis reveals just how random deadly waves can be
Benjamin Horton – Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Climate change "will hurt U.S. economy, increase inequality"
Robert Kopp – Rutgers Energy Institute
Washing your hands with cool water is just as effective in killing germs as using hot water – and antibacterial soap is no better than a normal cleanser, reveals study
Donald Schaffner – Department of Food Science