Lauren B. Errickson – Rutgers Cooperative Extension; Ethan D. Schoolman – Dept. of Human Ecology; Virginia Quick – Dept. of Nutritional Sciences
The Investment Risk Tolerance Assessment: A Resource for Extension Educators
Barbara O’Neill – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Use of Prezi Software to Support and Expand Extension Outreach and Education
Sara Elnakib – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Best Practices for Establishing Positive 4-H Youth Development Programming in Urban At-Risk Communities
Laura Bovitz, Marissa Staffen, Laura Eppinger, Abbie Kesely – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Assisting Mid-Atlantic Wine Industry Stakeholders in Developing Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Internet Survey Results
Ramu Govindasamy – Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics
Evaluation Checklists for Agritourism and Direct Marketing Operations: Farmer and Extension Resources
Michelle Infante-Casella, Brian Schilling, William Bamka. Stephen Komar, Meredith Melendez – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Necessary Role of Extension in Development of Agricultural Regulations
Michelle Infante-Casella – Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Brian Schilling – Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
Modifying and Supplementing Annie’s Project to Increase Impact in New Jersey and Beyond
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Awards: Why You Want Them and How to Get Them
Awards are the easiest way to quickly prove the value of your work to others. Suppose someone approached you and proclaimed, “I’m the fastest sprinter in the world!” You likely would be skeptical of the declaration. Yet if the person were to make that claim while wearing a gold medal around his or her neck, the statement would be more believable. The runner would not need to run fast to prove the claim to you; he or she could just show you the medal. The same holds true for professional awards — Jenny Carleo and Daniel Kluchinski, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station