Image of a living shoreline. Image: courtesy of Reclam the Bay.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s Earth Day, Every Day and Marine Extension Program Seminar Series present the educational webinar, “All the Small Things with Big Environmental Impacts,” beginning April 17.
Open to the public, the free webinar will be conducted online via Zoom every third and fourth Monday evenings in April through June starting at 6:30 p.m. Participants will be able to ask questions of the experts at Rutgers and other agencies.
The spring 2023 lineup consists of six sessions, and will cover topics like understanding beech leaf disease and beach monitoring. These sessions will focus on steps everyone can take to protect the environment. We can all do our part to take actions that make our homes more sustainable, from not buying products that may contain microplastics to monitoring waterbodies across the state. These actions, more than ever, start with proactive individuals chipping in and doing their part.
Each session will cover a different topic and leave participants with small actions that, together, will reduce negative impacts on the environment. Sessions on the third Monday will cover a land-based topic and while those on the fourth Monday will cover a marine topic.
Each live webinar will be one hour and will be presented via Zoom. To join, participants need either a computer, tablet or smartphone with speakers.
To register and learn more about these free sessions, visit https://envirostewards.rutgers.edu/Earth-Day.html.