At the recent annual meeting of The American Society of Agronomy (ASA), the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) hosted thousands of scientists, professionals, educators, and students from around the world at their annual international meeting. This year’s theme was ‘Communication and Public Engagement for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet.
The international meeting also included a number of opportunities for students pursuing studies in these fields. The CSSA society-wide award selects top three winners from the presentations of students nominated by each of 9 divisions based on quality of science, clarity of presentation, and skill with which the presenters answer questions. Several Rutgers graduate students in the Department of Plant Biology made presentations and received the following awards.

William Errickson
William Errickson
(Crop Science Society of America, CSSA C-5 Division, Genetics)
1st Place – ORAL presentation in the Molecular Techniques, Genetics, Microbiome, and Turfgrass Breeding Oral Session: “Promotive Effects of Paraburkholderia Aspalathi Rhizobacteria on Drought Stress Tolerance and Post-Drought Recovery”
Authors: William Errickson and Bingru Huang
1st Place – POSTER presentation in the Turfgrass Physiology, Molecular Biology, Microbiome, and Genetics Poster Session: “Colonization Stability and Efficacy of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria in Creeping Bentgrass”
Authors: William Errickson, Kashif Jaleel, and Bingru Huang

Pingyuan Zhang
Pingyuan Zhang
(Crop Science Society of America, CSSA C-5 Division, Golf/Turf)
1st Place – POSTER presentation in Turfgrass Pest Management: Disease, Insects, Weeds – Golf-Poster Session: “Bentgrass Cultivar and Autumn-Applied Fungicide Timing Effects on Spring Suppression of Dollar Spot”
Authors: Pingyuan Zhang, Glen Groben, Bruce Clarke, James Murphy
3rd Place – ORAL presentation in Turfgrass Pest Management: Disease, Insects, Weeds – Turf-Oral Session: “Evaluating Action Thresholds of a Logistic Regression Model for Fungicide Control of Dollar Spot on Creeping Bentgrass”
Authors: Pingyuan Zhang, Daniel Ward, Bruce Clarke, James Murphy

Stephanie Rossi
Stephanie Rossi
(Crop Science Society of America, CSSA C-2 Division)
2nd Place – ORAL presentation in the Crop Physiology and Metabolism Oral Session: “Alleviation of Heat-Induced Leaf Senescence in Creeping Bentgrass by Application of Protease Inhibitors Associated with Suppression of Protein Degradation”
Authors: Stephanie Rossi and Bingru Huang
The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) also held their annual meeting where they awarded Watson Fellowships to two students, selected annually, and the Department of Plant Biology graduate students Cathryn Chapman and Stefanie Rossi swept the competition. Each awardee will receive a $5,000 cash award and a trip with all expenses covered to attend the international golf industry show in Orlando, FL in February 2023.

Cathryn Chapman and Stephanie Rossi