Pictured are invited speakers Dr. Troy Ott and Dr. Rafael de Cabo (center) and members of the NEFS Planning Committee (left to right: Chelsee Holloway, Eli Berger, Jennifer Weinert, Cindy Li, and Dushyant Kshatriya). Photo courtesy of Ellen Rankins.
The 2019 Nutrition, Endocrinology, and Food Science (NEFS) Graduate Student Conference took place on April 2nd at the Cook Campus Center. This year the group welcomed ninety-three attendees including twenty-five poster presenters. This annual conference is the result of collaborations between the Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences, Food Science, and Nutritional Sciences Graduate Student Organizations. The planning and implementation of the conference is undertaken by graduate students in the three organizations. It provides an opportunity for students to work together and learn the skills necessary to run an event.
This year’s event included keynote addresses from Dr. Troy Ott of Penn Sate University and Dr. Rafael de Cabo of the National Institute of Aging as well as a career panel featuring representatives from industry and academia. Graduate student speakers from each program shared their research with attendees. Poster sessions took place over breakfast and lunch. First, second, and third place prizes were awarded to the top posters in the graduate and undergraduate sections.
One of the new additions to this year’s program was the incorporation of active breaks led by Rutgers Recreation. The continued success of the NEFS graduate student conference is due to the generous support of the sponsors, the many attendees, speakers, and presenters.

Attendees of the 2019 NEFS Graduate Student Conference enjoying Mindful Movement, an active break led by Rutgers Recreation. Photo courtesy of Esther Mezhibovsky.