Photo by Jeff Heckman
Now in its 21st year, the annual “Celebration of Excellence Awards” honors the individuals and teams who have advanced the mission and vision of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES). This year’s event was a luncheon held on April 24 at the Neilson Dining Hall on the Cook/Douglass campus. Master of Ceremonies of the event was Rick Ludescher, dean of academic programs at the school.
These annual awards provide the leadership at the school and NJAES the opportunity to recognize those in our community who have distinguished themselves and their programs through outstanding professional contributions. Congratulations to the individuals who were recognized for outstanding creativity, original work and ideas, innovation, effectiveness, integrity, leadership, impact, community engagement and overall excellence.
2014 Celebration of Excellence
The 2014 award winners are:
Teaching Excellence Award
Rebecca Jordan, Department of Human Ecology
Daniela Sharma, Department of Animal Science
Research Excellence Award
Ken Able, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Outreach Excellence Award
Michael Haberland, Department of Agricultural Resource Management Agents
International Excellence Award
Carl Pray, Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics
Staff Excellence Award
Phyllis Lepucki, Human Resources
Alison Cariveau, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Team Excellence Award
This award went to the Asian Tiger Mosquito Project, which included a number of Rutgers personnel and fellow collaborators from county, statewide and national agencies and universities. The team is listed below, starting with Rutgers members.
Dina Fonseca, Rutgers Center for Vector Biology
Randy Gaugler, Rutgers Center for Vector Biology
George Hamilton, Department of Entomology
Mark Robson, Department of Plant Science
John Worobey, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Karl Malmud-Roam, IR-4 Project
Taryn Crepeau, Monmouth County Mosquito Control
Ary Farajollahi, Mercer County Mosquito Control
Sean Healy, Monmouth County Mosquito Control
Greg Williams, Hudson County Mosquito Control
Eric Williges, Essex County Mosquito Control
Isik Unlu, Mercer County Mosquito Control
Philip Armstrong, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Kristen Bartlett-Healy, Department of Entomology, LSU
Gary Clark, USDA-ARS, Gainesville
Peter DeChant, Valent BioSciences, Inc.
Kenn Fujioka, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito Control, CA
Mike Hutchinson, Vector Management, Pennsylvania DEP
Bill Jany, Clarke Mosquito Control, Inc.
Daniel Kline, USDA-ARS, Gainesville
James McNelly, Volusia County Mosquito Control, FL
Roger Nasci, CDC, Atlanta
Dominick Ninivaggi, Suffolk County Mosquito Control
Peter Obenauer, United States Navy
George O’Meara, University of Florida
Jeff O’Neil, Central Life Sciences, Inc.
Charles Palmisano, St. Tammany Parish Mosquito Control, LA
Don Shepard, Department of Entomology, Brandies University
George Schoeler, United States Navy
Dan Strickman, USDA-ARS, Beltsville
Dawn Wesson, Tropical Medicine, Tulane University
E. Zielenski-Gutierrez, CDC, Fort Collins