Money Smart Week is an annual event designed to provide consumers with free, unbiased information to better manage their personal finances. This year’s event will be held from April 5-12. Originating in Chicago in 2002, the program is managed by the Chicago Federal Reserve and includes successful campaigns in more than a dozen states, with clusters of events and activities in nearly 40 states.
In New Jersey, Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) has partnered with the New Jersey Coalition for Financial Education (NJCFE) to present a free one-hour webinar titled How to Be Money Smart: Twelve Things You Absolutely Need to Know. The webinar is scheduled for April 10 at 4 p.m. EDT and will be presented by Barbara O’Neill, extension specialist in financial resource management. Continuing education credits are available for teachers and financial counselors who register online for the webinar.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension will also be exhibiting at the Road to Personal Wealth conference at Kean University on April 5, the first day of Money Smart Week. The exhibit will feature information on RCE’s Small Steps to Health and Wealth ™ program, personal finance materials, and a drawing for a “Show Me the Money” gift basket.
For information about the Road to Personal Wealth, see the conference website. For more information about RCE’s personal finance programs, see the personal finance webpage.