Rutgers NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education (OCPE) provided new employees of the Fresh Grocer in New Brunswick with workforce readiness training. This training bridges the gap between employers and job seekers, preparing workers with the necessary skills to succeed. In this video, OCPE documents the process used to train Fresh Grocer new employees. Utilizing NJ Department of Labor Customized Training grant money awarded to the NJ Food Council and working closely with partners, the Middlesex County One Stop, the NJ Food Council and New Brunswick Development Corporation (DEVCO), OCPE and Fresh Grocer trainers successfully trained over 300 people who were placed into employment at the supermarket. OCPE offers a variety of work-related training and grant opportunities to New Jersey employers. Learn more about OCPE’s Workforce Development Training Grants.
Newsroom Home / Audiences / Community / OCPE Provides Workforce Readiness Training for New Brunswick’s Fresh Grocer