Award winners Left to right: Stephanie Rossi, Yuanshuo (Henry) Qu, William Errickson, Hui (Eric) Chen, Cathryn Chapman.
The American Society of Agronomy (ASA), the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) together hosted approximately 4,000 scientists, professionals, educators and students at the 2019 International Annual Meeting held from November 10-13, in San Antonio, Texas. Titled “Embracing the Digital Environment,” this international meeting is one of the few gatherings that bring together scientific leaders from industry, government agencies and academic institutions in one unique environment. It is the premiere opportunity for professionals working in agronomic, crop, soil and related sciences to hear about the latest research, meet and learn from their peers, expand their knowledge base and take advantage of an abundance of networking opportunities to enhance their career.
The international meeting also includes a number of opportunities for students pursuing studies in these fields. Several Rutgers graduate students in the Department of Plant Biology made presentations and received the following awards:
Cathryn Chapman (Advisor: Bingru Huang, distinguished professor in the Department of Plant Bioloty and director of the Graduate Program in Plant Biology)
First place in Turfgrass Management and Ecology Poster Session for, “Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and Nitrogen on Post-Drought Recovery in Creeping Bentgrass.” She also won second place in the Turf Ecology and Management Oral competition for “Hormone Regulation of Tiller and Stolon Regrowth Following Drought Stress in Creeping Bentgrass.”
Hui (Eric) Chen (Advisor: James Murphy, Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Management in the Department of Plant Biology)
Second place in the Golf Turf Management Oral I competition for “Cultural Practices, Physiology, and Water.” He also received the Chris Stiegler Turfgrass Science Graduate Student Travel Award that was established in honor of the major contributions made by Chris Stiegler to the Turfgrass Science (C5) Division of the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) while he was a graduate student. In addition, the travel award is intended to encourage future scholars to participate in CSSA meetings.
William Errickson, a recent graduate (Advisor: Bingru Huang, distinguished professor in the Department of Plant Bioloty and director of the Graduate Program in Plant Biology)
First place in Molecular Techniques, Genetics and Plant Breeding Oral competition for “Metabolic Adjustment of Creeping Bentgrass for Improved Drought Tolerance and Post-Drought Recovery by the Colonization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria.” He also won second place in Turf Physiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics Poster Competition for “Growth and Physiological Effects of Burkholderiaon Drought Stress Tolerance and Post-Drought Recovery in Creeping Bentgrass.”
Stephanie Rossi (Advisor: Bingru Huang, distinguished professor in the Department of Plant Bioloty and director of the Graduate Program in Plant Biology)
First place in Golf Turf Management Poster Competition for “Metabolic Regulation of Heat-induced Leaf Senescence by Aaminoethoxyvinylglycine in Creeping Bentgrass.”
Yuanshuo (Henry) Qu (Advisor: William Meyer, professor in the Department of Plant Biology)
Third place in the C015 Molecular Techniques, Genetics and Plant Breeding Oral Competition for “Genetic Analysis of Tall Fescue Populations Under Rainout Shelter Selection.”