Rutgers 250 variety, ‘Rutpink’ Scarlet Fire™ dogwood tree blossom. Photo by: Dr. Tom Molnar, Rutgers NJAES.
Scarlet Fire™ Extends Ornamental Dogwood Season
The Rutgers 250 All-Star Variety for June 2016 is the ‘Rutpink’ Scarlet Fire™ dogwood tree. This is the first Cornus kousa variety released in over 45 years to the ornamental nursery market. Rutgers plant breeder Tom Molnar, continued the decades of work started by renowned breeder and professor emeritus Elwin Orton in the 1970s.
Scarlet Fire™ is a gorgeous deep pink to fuchsia-bracted dogwood tree, known for its deep, consistently pink bracts that contrast beautifully with its dark green foliage. This tree blooms in late May to early June, making it one of the latest-blooming dogwood tree varieties developed at the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.
You will be able to find this new variety for sale in New Jersey later this summer into early fall, as well as early next spring. Learn more about the Rutgers dogwood breeding program history, varieties, and news: http://breeding.rutgers.edu/dogwood-trees/
WATCH a video of ‘Rutpink’ Scarlet Fire™: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5L8P3L2ooE&feature=youtu.be
Where can you find Scarlet Fire™?
RareFind Nursery will be selling retail for homeowners late August to early September. You MUST call in advance to be added to their waiting list.
Good Earth Nursery will be selling both retail and wholesale during this time period, but quantities are limited, so be sure to call in advance.
Pleasant Run Nursery will be filling wholesale orders for the nursery and landscape industry in August. Call your local nursery as soon as possible to be added to their waiting list.