Q: What is the SEBS/NJAES Newsroom?
A: The Newsroom is a website launched by the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station that serves as a gateway for faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the various communities we serve to connect to our research, our faculty, staff, and student achievements, the multitude of events we host, and the work we do locally, nationally, and internationally. The writers on our staff contribute stories to the Newsroom, as well as stories from external news sources all over the world that cite an affiliate of SEBS/NJAES.
Q. What prompted the Office of the Executive Dean and Office of Communications to create the Newsroom?
A: We wanted to create a comprehensive resource that is designed to help everyone with their communication needs. The content already exists for you to use when communicating with your stakeholders, we just created the portal to make access to this information easier. It was also important for us to be able to archive and distribute the content we create to the appropriate stakeholder group, and the Newsroom allows us to easily manage that.
Q: What are some of the features available to users that may not be apparent upon their first visit to the Newsroom?
A: Besides the stories featured on our page, the Newsroom has many great components that help users stay connected and current with all of the happenings across SEBS and NJAES. You have access to all of our organizational and departmental reports, publications, brochures and newsletters on the right-hand side of the site, and links to the organizational units’ websites on the left-hand side. We’ve also included a section linking to the School and Experiment Station’s social media networks, as well as a directory of all of the social media channels of SEBS and NJAES departments and offices.
Another great feature of the newsroom is the ability to receive personalized information from the Newsroom on a regular basis without having to visit the site every day. You can sign up for the newsletter or RSS feed here and choose which categories of information you’re interested in reading about. If you prefer to visit the site, you can customize the content you see by clicking on one of the fifteen categories at the top of the page, or search for a specific term by typing it into the search bar in the upper-right corner of the site.
Q. Can anyone contribute to the Newsroom? If so, what is the process?
A. We’re always doing our best to remain aware and current with the happenings related to SEBS and NJAES across the state, but if you have any story ideas for the Newsroom, we’d love to hear from you. If you have noteworthy achievements, research, or events, send them to us! Press releases and story ideas should go to Paula Quintin at quintin@oc.rutgers.edu and Cindy Rovins at rovins@oc.rutgers.edu.
Q. What kind of topics are you most interested in?
The Newsroom covers a large variety of topics, as indicated by the fifteen categories at the top of the page. If your story idea can be categorized into one of those topics, we’re interested in reading about it.