The Rutgers Energy Institute (REI) Annual Symposium, which was held on May 2, hosted keynote speakers from academia and industry to address topics related to energy science, engineering, economics, and policy. The 2012 Energy Symposium provided faculty, students, staff, government officials, and community members with the opportunity to learn about the new methods, processes, and initiatives being developed by energy thinkers at Rutgers, New Jersey, and across the country. In addition to distinguished talks, a panel discussion focused on the critical role of energy policy in moving the United States forward to energy solutions and sustainability. Speakers included Dian Grueneich (former commissioner on the California Public Utilities
Commission) who presented “Recent Innovative Regulatory and Policy Initiatives at the State, Federal, Regional and Local Levels;” Steven E. Koonin (director, New York University Center for Urban Science and Progress) who presented “Energy: Technology, Policy, Social Science, Informatics;” Roger C. Prince (ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company) who presented “The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040;” and Daniel P. Schrag (Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology at Harvard University; director, Harvard University Center for the Environment) who presented “The Challenge of Reaching a Low Carbon World.” Educational video presentations including slides can be found on the REI website.