As the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and Freddie Gray have captured headlines and sparked protests across the United States over the past year, there has been a renewed discussion about how structural issues of racial inequity influence various domains of life, including law enforcement, economic opportunity, educational achievement and indicators of health… In a 2015 paper published in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, “Self-Reported Experiences of Discrimination and Health: Scientific Advances, Ongoing Controversies, and Emerging Issues,” Tene T. Lewis of the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, Courtney D. Cogburn of the Columbia University School of Social Work, and David R. Williams of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health examine what current research has shown; inconsistencies in methodologies that may influence observed results, and future directions for study in areas that have been historically neglected… Promising approaches that have been associated with improved outcomes include: Value affirmation interventions “designed to enhance an individual’s sense of adequacy and self-worth”; and forgiveness strategies aimed at “emotion-focused coping, and community-based racism countermarketing.”… In a 2014 evaluation of the Racism Still Exists campaign in New York City by Naa Oyo Kwate of Rutgers University, greater community awareness of racism was associated with reduced psychological distress.
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