Researchers, including those from Rutgers University in the US, found a simple peptide molecule with two nickel atoms is one of the most likely molecules that sparked life on Earth. They have called the short protein molecule ‘Nickelback’ due to its backbone nitrogen atoms bonding with two nickel atoms. Rutgers researchers on the study include: Distinguished Professor Paul Falkowski and Jennifer Timm, a postdoctoral associate, in the Environmental Biophysics and Molecular Ecology Program, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
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Donald Schaffner – Rutgers University
Underwater glacial melting up to 100 times faster than thought, study finds
Rebecca Jackson – Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
In Canada, climate change could open new farmland to the plow
Mark Robson – Department of Plant Biology
‘Mismatch’ between the way our senses evolved and modern world is making us ill, experts warn
Paul Breslin, – Department of Nutritional Sciences