Monica Bricelj, visiting research professor with the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, and Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory, had the opportunity this past May to co-teach an intensive two week workshop in Scientific Writing, with Canadian linguist Karen Englander at CICESE, a research institute in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Briceli had spent the previous year in Ensenada, as a COMEXUS Fulbright Scholar and visiting professor at the Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California.
Briceli commented on the course, “We had 21 participants between advanced Ph. D. students and young investigators, and it was a wonderful experience. Much of what we taught would actually be relevant to U.S. students as well, who often have difficulty publishing, and especially those who are non-native English speakers.” Noting the international appeal, Briceli added, “We’re hoping that the workshop can be taught again in Latin America or even in China or France in future.”
The following link is to an article in Spanish that was published by CICESE about the recently-offered workshop. An English translation is further below.
Más allá de la traducción: publicación de artículos científicos en inglés
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