Imagine being able to discuss climate change with the State Climatologist or learn about New Jersey’s geology from the people who map it. Wouldn’t it be interesting to hear how New Jersey’s environmental regulations get enforced from a person who actually does the enforcement? How about learning about the role of soils in the environment from the person who runs Rutgers’ Soil Testing lab? These are some of the opportunities that are available to enrollees in the 2014 Rutgers Environmental Steward Volunteer Training Program. Would you like to learn how local environmental decisions get made from the head of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions or how land preservation can be done most effectively from some of the leading players in land preservation in New Jersey?
Consider joining the 2014 class of Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s (RCE) Environmental Steward training which will be offered in Atlantic, Warren, Middlesex, Passaic and Somerset counties, from January to June.
The curriculum is designed to introduce non-scientists to the science underlying key environmental issues in the Garden State. Leading authorities from academia are joined by colleagues from government and the non-profit sector to share understanding and insights with the students. “Students not only receive facts, but also are introduced to a network of expert individuals and organizations who can be of service to them in the future as they wrestle with solving local environmental problems,” said Bruce Barbour, extension agent with Rutgers Cooperative Extension, the program’s originator.
The Environmental Steward Training is based on the existing model of the award-winning RCE Master Gardener Program. Similar to the Master Gardener Program, students must pledge to intern for 60 hours of volunteer service following the completion of the lecture portion of the course. Upon completion of the training and internship, certificates are awarded to the students designating them as Certified Rutgers Environmental Stewards.
Recruitment has begun for the Rutgers Environmental Steward Class of 2014. To learn how you can become a Rutgers Environmental Steward visit the website.