Want a pumpkin patch of your own? Have you tried growing pumpkins, but due to bugs and disease they never made it to harvest? Learn from the experts! Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) presents an online educational program: Growing Pumpkins in the Home Garden.
This one hour webinar will cover pumpkins from planning, planting, growing tips, pest identification, pest control, and tips for harvest. Join agricultural agents Michelle Infante-Casella and Stephen Komar for this educational opportunity.
Log in from your home computer
Friday, May 24, 2013
1:00 – 2:00pm
Log on 20 minutes early to register
Program starts promptly at 1:00pm
Webinar link: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=783&password=M.E657A5B228C4797D666FA9FD04A72F
To Participate:
1) Click on link above.
2) Type your nickname in the box
3) Click ‘Log In’ button.
4) Follow on‐screen directions.
Presenter: Michelle Infante-Casella, Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Gloucester County
Moderator: Stephen Komar, Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Sussex County
For more information contact Lisa Chiariello, Master Gardener Coordinator or Stephen Komar, Agricultural Agent at RCE of Sussex County at 973-948-3040.