Paul Falkowski (Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences; Earth and Planetary Sciences; director, Rutgers Energy Institute) was installed as the first holder of the Bennett L. Smith Chair in Business and Natural Resources in an investiture ceremony at the Kirkpatrick Chapel on April 21.
Executive Dean Robert M. Goodman, who introduced Falkowski, stated that an “investiture of a faculty member in an endowed chair is a singular opportunity to recognize sustained innovative and intellectual contributions of our most distinguished colleagues” and called Falkowski “an internationally renowned biological oceanographer [who] has made contributions answering questions that go to the heart of our understanding of life on Earth.” The chair resides jointly in Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick (RBS) and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS). It supports a faculty member whose research has contributed to understanding the Earth and its climate and who has been instrumental in shaping energy policy internationally. Read more.