Pictured Left to Right: Francesca Buchalski, Ellen Rankins, Kyle Hartmann, Karyn Malinowski, Senator Samuel Thompson, Randy Burrows, Carey Williams, Kenneth McKeever, Sarah Paladino, and Amy Butweicz.
The Equine Science Center received a proclamation from both the New Jersey Legislature as well as the New Jersey Governor’s Office on Wednesday, June 16th during the 2020 New Jersey Equine Advisory Board’s Award Ceremony. The proclamations recognized the Equine Science Center’s dedication to “Better Horse Care through Research & Education” and celebrated the Center’s 20th anniversary.
Over the last 20 years the Equine Science Center under the direction of its founding director, Karyn Malinowski, has become an internationally recognized stalwart of the equine community. From research into the betterment of horses, humans, and the environment, to research quantifying the economic impact of the equine industry, the Equine Science Center has worked to position itself as a first-call resource for all things equine.
During the awards ceremony, New Jersey Senator Samuel Thompson presented the Center with a joint resolution sponsored by Assemblyman Ronald Dancer, on behalf of the New Jersey Legislature. Senator Thompson stated that “The RU Equine Science Center is a pioneer in research for the equine industry and I am proud to formally recognize RUESC for its work.”
The Equine Science Center delegation to receive the award included: the founding director, Karyn Malinowki; associate director of Research, Kenneth McKeever; associate director of outreach, Carey Williams; public relations specialist, Kyle Hartmann; Rutgers University Board for Equine Advancement (RUBEA) co-chair, Amy Butewicz; RUBEA member, Randy Burrows; and undergraduate students, Francesca Buchalski and Sarah Paladino.
Senator Thompson also presented the Center with a Proclamation from the Governor’s Office highlighting the work that the Center has done for the state of New Jersey, and the equine community. While the governor was unable to attend, he sent his well-wishes and congratulations for over 20 years of service.
As a part of the awards ceremony, Malinowski helped New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture Douglas Fisher present the “Horse Person of the Year” award to Edward Wengryn. Wengryn has been a longtime friend to the Equine Science Center, and Malinowski was happy to help honor him by saying a few words.

Pictured left to right: Karyn Malinowski, Carey Williams, Gemma Parente, and Secretary Douglas Fisher.
The Equine Science Center was also proud to have Rutgers undergraduate student Gemma Parente receive the Ernest C. Bell Memorial Scholarship. The Ernest C. Bell Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to perpetuate Ernest Bell’s memory and legacy in the New Jersey Horse industry. Bell was also a founding member of the Equine Advisory Board. The scholarship is awarded to a senior at SEBS who is majoring in Animal Science with an emphasis in Equine Science.
Other awards given as part of the 2020 Awards Presentation included: the Standardbred And Thoroughbred Of The Year award, the Standardbred Owners and Breeders Association of New Jersey Breeder Of The Year award, the New Jersey Sire Stakes Horse Of The Year award, the Agriculture Achievement Award, and the Horse Park Of New Jersey Volunteer Of The Year award.
About the Equine Science Center at Rutgers University
The Equine Science Center is a unit of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Its mission is “Better Horse Care through Research and Education” in order to advance the well-being and performance of horses and the equine industry. Its vision is to be recognized throughout New Jersey as well as nationally and internationally for its achievements in identifying issues in the horse industry, finding solutions through science-based inquiry, providing answers to the horse industry and to horse owners, and influencing public policy to ensure the viability of the horse industry.
For more information about the Equine Science Center, call 848-932-9419 or visit esc.rutgers.edu.